Add To Your WishlistStuarts Micrometer Marking. Engineers “Hi-Spot” Marking : 38g Tin

Add To Your WishlistStuarts Micrometer Marking. Engineers “Hi-Spot” Marking : 38g Tin

Stuarts Micrometer Marking. Engineers “Hi-Spot” Marking : 38g Tin. 

Both colours of Stuarts Micrometer Marking Engineers Blue and Red are a non-abrasive, easily spreadable marking paste, whose versatility makes it the chosen product engineers turn to whenever they meet a difficult or unusual marking application. 

A grease based paste that leaves a highly visible, bright mark which can be used for a variety of applications including identifying hi-spots on bearings and marking contact areas between mated surfaces etc. 

This paste can also be thinned with Methylated Spirit to create Layout Fluid; essential for scribing clear and precise lines. 

Stuarts Micrometer Marking contains no harmful chemicals and can be applied with a finger and not affect the skin. It is easily wipe-able of metal parts and is soluble in soap, detergent and water. 

Apply sparingly, due to the high pigment content as a little goes a very long way! 

Easy to use and clean up.
Long Shelf Life.
Easily transferable to another surface.